Bill Hillman's 
EduTech Research Project
John Tyman's
INUIT ~ People of the Arctic
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Part 3: Retail Stores
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38. Wolf skin on office wall. 
Though the Hudson's Bay Company long ago 
ceased to be just a fur trader, 
it buys animal skins from time to time even today: 
and it still plays an important role in the daily life of the community.
39. Ammunition supply.
Hunters still buy their ammunition here, 
but it is a large department store now,
like thousands of others in North America..

40. Juice section at Co-op Store. 
Because of isolation and high transport costs prices are high: 
but there is at least some competition now -- from a local co-op, 
of which the local people are shareholders 
(again like many other stores in Canada). 
With the shift away from subsistence hunting to welfare dependency,
both stores have large food departments
where you can even buy frozen meat from southern Canada.
41. Footwear section.
Ready-made clothes , including boots, are now available
-- at least for use in summer. 
You simply cannot buy clothes warm enough for hunting in winter:
they are still home-made..


42. Book display. 
The range of items available from the store 
obviously impacts on culture as well as health. 
The children's books reflect the values 
of a once alien society further south.
43. Toy section at Christmas.
The contents of the toy section, too, 
mirror the pre-occupation 
of many American children with guns..

44. Toy section at Christmas.
And, of course, no major chain stocks "Eskimo" dolls;
instead, blond is beautiful!
45. Assorted plastic items.
Almost everything is either made from or packaged in plastic 
-- which will never decay here!.

46. Candy bar. 
On their way to the check out customers run the gauntlet 
of the inevitable array of candies for kids
and cigarettes for adults!


47. Scene at check-out.
A family of five (two adults and three children) 
will commonly spend about between 500 and 600 dollars
on groceries and related items 
every two weeks (welfare cheques being paid fortnightly).
And if they are short on cash they can pay 
by Visa Card or Master Card, or use "the 'Bay" credit card 
or cards issued by the Simpsons chain. .

48. Furniture at the Co-Op.
Less frequent purchases 
can be made in the furniture department.
49. ATVs in crates.
And vehicles can be bought out the back..

50. Catalogue sales and customer credit section.
And if the item you want isn't in stock, 
or you live a long way from the store, 
well the Bay also has a mail order department and a thick catalogue.


I. Environment:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
II. Food Sources: 
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
III: Clothing/Shelter:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
IV. Family: 
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
V. Community:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Text, photos and recordings by John Tyman
Intended for Educational Use Only.
Copyright Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford University, 2010.
Contact Dr. John Tyman for more information regarding licensing.

Photo processing, Web page layout, and formatting by
William Hillman | www.hillmanweb.com
Assistant Professor ~ Faculty of Education ~ Brandon University ~ Brandon, Manitoba ~ Canada